Monday, October 24, 2016

Neo4j is for the Non-Technical

Neo4j unifies organizations across departments and across teams, both technical and non-technical, enabling a greater level of understanding and clarity in communication than previously possible. A Neo4j graph model is whiteboard friendly and allows everyone from business to engineering groups to speak the same language of connections. Communicating in contextually relevant connections that bring together business concepts reduces the potential for misunderstandings that cause delays and rework later.

Neo4j Connects Your Organization by Connecting Your Data

The world today is highly connected. Graph databases are whiteboard friendly and effective in mimicking erratic and inconsistent relationships through intuitive means. They help provide insights and understanding by creating connections within complex big data sets. As enterprises become increasingly data driven it is essential that all individuals, especially the non-technical groups have the ability to collaborate with engineering in a more integrated fashion. Neo4j removes the intimidation factor of technology typically required to deal with complex data and enables more unified collaboration because we all can relate to connections.
There a number of reasons why both technical and non-technical teams within an organization could all agree on Neo4j:
  • It offers incredible performance
    The more connected data gets in typical RDBMS and NoSQL databases, the faster performance query degrades. It’s fact that data within all organizations is growing rapidly in size and connectedness. Neo4j provides constant time navigation through your connected data whether your one level deep or ten levels deep.
  • It guarantees data reliability

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