Monday, October 17, 2016

Every Organization Needs a Knowledge Graph

A knowledge graph as it relates to individual organizations is a unification of information across that organization enriched with contextual and semantic relevance. Introducing a knowledge graph creates a comprehensive and baseline set of knowledge accessible by personnel, applications and customers alike to gain understanding and drive actions and direction.

This foundational knowledge graph is not only useful for people and applications, but provides a relevant and evolving dataset for sophisticated learning and intelligence software systems to utilize in providing personalized internal guidance as well as highly engaging interactions with customers.

Knowledge Sharing Falling Short

To engage all personnel in collaboration and knowledge sharing, a majority of organizations today have adopted social networking trends and offering different kinds of internal tools. However, such applications can generate large volumes of unstructured organization data stored in isolated systems across an organization. This attempt at creating a holistic understanding falls short because all this knowledge sharing and information isn’t actually being connected together.
The main result from this approach is a complex infrastructure containing data silos filled with duplicated, expired, and redundant information. This makes it hard to see the right information and acquire important insights. Organizations today need a graph data platform to support increasingly complex 

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