Monday, October 24, 2016

Graph Advantage: User Personalization

User personalization is intended to tailor each individual’s experience to them and really provide a more human element to the interaction. Providing this aspect of feeling known and understood rather than just being a generic set of eyes can go a long way towards more fulfilling and continued engagement with your users.

Digital retail is an major space where personalization surfaces because it’s challenging to find the right balance and approach for the interaction. By concentrating on the online retail journey of your customer and making it a personalized experience, you and your customers both benefit from the more personal and meaningful interaction.

Personalization through Digitizing Retail Knowledge

Many strategies for personalization involve long-running offline batch processes that take a considerable amount of time to complete in order to consider changes to what the system understands about me as an individual user. This delay in response is a major barrier to a personalized engagement with your user. The amount of data to be considered in total is quite astounding for the large established retail chains. However even with all this data there is still the possibility to provide a real-time user personalization experience for your customers. The information that is relevant for enhancing the online experience of each individual customer is quite small, although complex from a data connectedness perspective.
Customers today have become quite willing to share personal details in exchange for improved shopping offers and experience. By using these details in a meaningful way you’ll be demonstrating an understanding of your customers and showing how you can utilize such knowledge to enhance their experience, they’ll be more likely to continue to lean into the experience by providing even more insights into their preferences.
A lot of online retail websites offer a plethora of navigation trees, but people have been trained to make use 

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