Monday, July 25, 2016

Keeping Your Data Current and Flowing into Neo4j

For an enterprise to excel today a key aspect centers around utilization of the data-based business assets. To grow and succeed as a whole an enterprise must enable the usability, quality, and constant flow of its data into a connected state. Sometimes, an enterprise with a data architecture may have to deal with a complex life cycle while undergoing varying transformation processes. This makes it difficult to track the origin and flow of data as well as managing changes, audit trails, history, and a host of other critical processes. 

Distributed Graph Database Platform with Neo4j

The dynamics of an increasingly distributed and connected world are shining the spotlight on a new generation of database focused on more efficiently modeling, storing and querying the connected nature of the data enterprises deal with in the real world. But as graph database usage grows, solving the issue of handling large volumes of read and write operations at scale will pose a serious challenge for the growing market.
Graph databases like Neo4j are perfect aggregation and landing place for data across the enterprise because it effectively deals with challenges presented with variations in data. As a leading graph database, enterprises are relying on Neo4j to effectively connect data for usage by real-time enterprise applications. The big challenge though is efficiently and continuously flowing data into your Neo4j graph database.
To do this effectively data connectors need to be utilized to perform ETL. The data extraction will come from your existing data source such as a MySQL database. This extracted data is then transformed to Cypher or a CSV format for use with LOAD CSV; both which can be routed and flowed effectively

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