Monday, July 25, 2016

Introducing a Graph Database into Your Data Architecture

A graph database is capable of offering long-lasting competitive advantages for organizations worldwide from startups to the largest enterprise. Interest within the enterprise sector surged dramatically the past two years and Forrester recently projected that graph databases will reach over 80% of leading enterprises within two years. Graph databases provide business benefits because graph databases make use of intuitive principles of the connections experienced between everything and everyone as a realistic representation of the way the world interacts. Even with all the benefits discussed in Graph Advantage: Why Every Enterprise Should Use a Graph Database, the introduction of a graph database into an enterprise, especially one that may have just finished getting their Hadoop implementation into production, can seem risky.

Graph Database Data Model Flexibility

One of the great strengths of a the Neo4j graph database is it’s schema free flexible data model, which it turns out provides a very low-risk entry point as way for an enterprise to begin to explore the benefits of using a graph database. The Neo4j graph database is made to model and navigate connected data with high performance. The Neo4j graph database processes and stores data within the node and relationship structure defined by the written data, making it flexible enough to accommodate the many data models of the existing databases within an enterprise.

Enterprise Data Challenge

We know it’s not reasonable for an enterprise to go all in on a graph and try to replace existing SQL or NoSQL databases overnight and certainly a Hadoop data lake isn’t going to be replaced by a 

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